The Evolution Of A Babies Sense Of Touch
A baby's sense of touch is a remarkable journey that begins in the womb. From their earliest interactions with the umbilical cord to the array of sensations in the outside world, touch profoundly shapes a baby's understanding of their environment.
Within the womb a baby is surrounded by amniotic fluid, this fluid has a protective cushioning effect and is displaced by external pressures. This environment helps to create a foundation of the baby's awareness and their sensations.
While in the womb the baby explores themselves and their umbilical cord. Research suggests that babies grasp and play with the umbilical cord. Oscar's ingeniously designed front tentacles are made to imitate the umbilical cord, when held they offer a sense of familiarity and reassurance to newborns, helping the transition from the womb to the world.
After birth a baby encounters a multitude of sensations, such as the sensation of air against their skin, the warmth of a persons touch, and the texture of clothing and blankets. Following birth skin to skin contact with their caregiver is actively encouraged, this not only develops bonding but also regulates the baby's temperature and heart rate, providing a sense of comfort and security.
As babies grow, their sense of touch develops further through interactions with their surroundings. The most sensitive parts of their bodies are their mouths, cheeks, palms of their hands and soles of their hands and feet. They reach out to touch and hold objects, exploring various textures and shapes, thereby enhancing their sensory experiences.
Oscar is crafted from super soft and silky materials to offer multisensory exploration, while ensuring an embrace that remains cuddly and comforting.
Understanding the significance of touch in a baby's development allows us to create tools like Oscar the Octopus that supports their sensory exploration, while fostering a sense of comfort, security, and well-being from the very start of their journey.